Hello all,
As many of you know, two
friends of mine (Todd Wigley and Weston Cheatham) and I will be running in the
Rock Creek Stump Jump 50K Ultra marathon on October 6, 2012. We’ve been told we’re crazy by our
wives and co-workers, and maybe we are.
But, we want to use the opportunity that this crazy run provides to make
you aware of a need halfway around the world. Just across Lake Victoria from Kampala, Uganda is a place
where tremendous opportunities for service await. Some of our friends in ministry, Steve and Stephanie
Bredesen are in the process of building a clinic and aid facility in a village
called Nakalanda on a remote and isolated peninsula, far from all
conveniences. The people of
Nakalanda have no running water or electricity and they survive essentially on
what they are able to raise and produce around their homes. At this time, they are raising money to
equip the clinic with water and to finish some critical projects in order to
sustain their work among the people of Nakalanda. The heart of this message is this:
If our crazy-long run
inspires you to do something outside your normal routine in order to help the
Bredesen family in their service to some of the poorest in Uganda, we would be
honored. Please check out their
work online by going to their Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/BredesensInUganda or by going to their website, http://www.bredesensinuganda.com. You can also check out the race we’re
running by going to http://www.rockcreek.com/stumpjump.rco. Any amount given would be appreciated,
as there is so much work to be done, so if you’d like to partner with us to
assist them financially, please send your donations to the following address
with the words, “Bredesen Account” in the memo line:
PO box
Ana, Ca. 92706
All we’re
doing is running for a day.
They’re doing the real work of serving those in need every single
day. Thank you for your prayerful
consideration and for your support of the Bredesen’s and the Nakalanda
Sean Riley
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